CPD, Competitive Fixtures and Physical Attribute Analysis
CPD/Sports Coaching Legacy
Continuing Professional Development - A real Buzz phrase at the moment due to government investment. It is important that we provide a legacy in all we do for your staff, pupils and school. This can be provided in a number of ways:
Staff Shadowing - Our coaches are happy to work alongside your staff, have them shadow our sessions, take notes and assist in session planning. This enables your staff to be more comfortable on subjects and provide quality contact time when we are away from your school.
CPD courses - Our staff attend termly CPD courses. These are open for our contracted schools to send a member of staff for knowledge, understanding and ideas. We can also organise a coach to come into school after the day has finished to provide training to members of staff.
Competitive fixtures
Another area highlighted nationally by OFSTED as in need of improvement is access to a high level of competitive sport. There are a number of ways we do this:
Inter School matches - arrange adhoc fixtures, triangular tournaments and day tournaments for cluster schools.
School Sports Leagues - A competitive format we believe OFSTED are looking for. Schools that enter our leagues play fixtures after school, fortnightly in league formats, governed and refereed by our coaches/ referees. Results and statistics are compiled with extensive press coverage. The format gives more of a focus on competitive sport when compared to day tournaments.
Price/Participation - Because we take care of all the administration and refereeing/umpiring, the stress is taken away from your school. We charge £20 a fixture per school, with some areas sponsored that are free.
Physical Attribute Analysis
A lot of attention is being paid to physical activity in schools and the health and well-being of children, but also with providing gifted and talented and working towards children with additional support. We have devised a scheme that records physical attributes to gain knowledge on each child's strengths and their areas which could be improved on. This scheme can be used in different ways:
Gifted and talented children - OFSTED requirements include gifted and talented children having extra sessions to support them with their growth and development in sport. With our scheme, coaches can come into the school to take the g&t children for a 6 to 8 week training programme. Week 1 starting with the children taking part in certain attribute tests with results being recorded, after this during the programme children will follow structured lessons challenging themselves. At the end of the 6/8 weeks programme the children will retake the attribute tests and results will be compared to the first set of tests, in most cases seeing a vast improvement.
Children requiring additional support - The scheme works the same as the above, but with children who you feel need that additional support in PE.
Attribute Analysis - This can be done with each class during a school year/term, where children take part in a number of attribute tests (e.g sit and reach, vertical jump and balance). After looking through the results a profile is set to each child with their strengths and also areas to improve. Looking at their strengths, we then suggest particular sports that they would be suited to, for example if a child has a good sit and reach result then Gymnastics would be encouraged.