Day 1
We would love to see all of your amazing rainbows you have done! Whether its a drawing, painting, chalk on the pavement, big or small! Lets brighten up the day!
We would like to put them all in a photo collage together on our website. No age limit with this, so parents, older/younger siblings, grandparents etc can send theirs in! Email a photo of the rainbow in to us!
The winner of last weeks design an egg colouring competition was Kaiden with this fantastic Pokemon design.
Well done! He has won a free day on one of our holiday clubs and some sweets.
This was an activity for tranquil Tuesday, the next competition will be a bit more energetic!

Day 2
We hope you had a nice Easter weekend. Today is tranquil Tuesday so the activity is yoga. Have a go at these poses and see if you could hold them. Think about your breathing and a nice calm mind whilst your doing your yoga. You can do this outside, in the sunshine and fresh air with peace and quiet, or if you're doing them inside, try putting some calming music on. Namaste
Day 3
This week for Mr Giblett's weekly challenge he wants you to do the plank!
This works on strengthening your core.
Can you hold it for 30 seconds?
Try to keep the correct technique. You should be on your forearms and toes, with your body being in a straight line from your head to your toes.
Day 4
In honour of the amazing Capt Tom Moore having completed his 100th lap of his garden for the NHS this morning, our activity is to see how many lengths/laps of your garden you can walk.
Set yourself a time of 30 minutes or an hour and try brisk walking to keep your heart rate up.
'Brisk walking is simply walking quicker than usual at a pace that gets your heart pumping' NHS website.
If you don't have a garden, you can do this on your one form of exercise a day or inside along a hallway.
Day 5
With the weather not being too great today our activity is Indoor Boules!
All you need is rolled up socks and something to use as the jack/small target.
Have a throwing line, and take it in turns to throw your socks/ball underarm as close to the jack as you can.
Winner is the one closest to the jack! Play first person to 10 wins! Have fun